Spotlight Artist | Rosi Golan

Chances are that if you’ve been watching your favorite TV show and noticed an enchanting melody playing against the backdrop of one of your character’s most enthralling moments, you have been listening to the masterful work of Rosi Golan.

It is also very likely that you have been so captivated by her beautiful songs that you have failed to completely pay attention to the scenes you were watching. Golan is a singer-songwriter whose talents surpass covering any one distinct emotion. Her music is cheery, contemplative and infectiously endearing.

She has released two albums, 2008’s ‘The Drifter and the Gypsy’ and 2011’s ‘Lead Balloon’ both are wonderful listens and respective gems. ‘The Drifter and the Gypsy’ features the delightful “Think of Me”; a playful reassurance of loyalty to her paramour.

The life-affirming “I Don’t Wanna Wait” keeps the energy going. The wistful “Come Around” is a plea for an unattainable lover. “Shine” brings the effervescent charm, a sunny rendering of a love song. The titular song “The Drifter and The Gypsy” perfectly captures the nomadic spirit of a musician’s life. 

The real standout of the album is Golan’s duet with William Fitzsimmons “Hazy”, a poignant confessional that describes something greater than a meager intimate relationship; it’s a friendship, a companionship shared between two carefully intertwined souls. Fitzsimmons and Golan’s subtle vocals are simply stunning.

From the album ‘Lead Balloon’ is the outstanding and haunting ballad “Can’t Go Back”. It’s a portrait of profound depth, a rumination of life’s great lessons. There is a wonderful folksiness that inhabits the sound of this track. The lyrics bare the mark of a brutal honesty surrounding the lessons learned whilst being forged in the fiery baptism of life experience.

One of the best lyrics, I’ve ever come across takes place in this song, “Some things you can’t go back to, some things need left alone/Don’t mess with the memories of a life passed on”. That lyric can take on so many different meanings and you’ll find it reveals its personal meaning when placed against the backdrop of your life. 

Golan is an amazing artist and she is also a generous one. She has recently made her new EP “Fortune Cookies” available on NoiseTrade.

She will also be releasing her new album 'Fortuna' on October 15. With so many things on the horizon, keep your ears and eyes tuned for more by following her on Twitter @rosigolan for the latest updates.
