What's Good on Netflix? Why I Love Hallmark Movies! Plus, 'Fall'

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What is good on Netflix? Why do I love Hallmark movies and my Mom not want me to watch them? What is the strange romantic comedy that had me questioning the lead character’s life choices? How good is the movie “Fall” and where can you watch it? In this “eclectic” episode of the Eclectic Pop-cast, I get into a bevy of subjects that run the gamut! Check it out below:

Hopefully, you watched, and no worries if you have not. If you did, what did you think of the episode? Is it too long? Is it too chaotic and over the map? 🤯 Do you want to hear more about Netflix, Hallmark Channel, or content from other avenues? Feel free to share your thoughts in the video’s comments section or the comments section below.

This YouTube channel is back up and running, and I want to hear what you think about it. So far, there have been videos about “Yellowstone” and Beth (one fiery combo 🔥), “The Blacklist,” and why I am delaying watching it, and that is not all. 

The big “You” news surrounding the final season has gotten analyzed too. Here is hoping you find something you like. If any of that sounds appetizing, I will leave the link to the channel here. Please note that there are time stamps for each topic in the description box. 😉
