Be wary of "Crimson Peak. " Writer/director Guillermo del Toro will seduce you with the film’s visual majesty to distract from a paper-thin plot. A movie that checks off every true blue horror taboo, del Toro’s extravagant production brings with it a sensory splendor that has the capaci
Eclectic Pop offers a bite size rendition of its reviews for two of 2016’s most talked about comic book movies: Director Zac Snyder’s superhero showdown; “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and Tim Miller’s cheeky “Deadpool”. The first movie features two of DC’s most famous heroes dukin
DC’s highly anticipated “Suicide Squad” marks the cinematic return of some major villains and the live-action debut of others. There is more to the “Suicide Squad” movie than meets the eye and Eclectic Pop has narrowed down the Top 5 things you need to know about it… #1 - The Suicide Squad ha
When her husband (Noah Emmerich) is gravely injured by his former gang, Jane (Natalie Portman) grabs a gun and reaches out to her ex-flame (Joel Edgerton) for help combating the incoming attack of her husband’s enemies. The ingenuity principally setting “Jane Got a Gun” apart from the genre is th