Image by Netflix The title may mightily hint at the conclusion that this enchanting film reaches. However, the ride to get there is too endearing not to enjoy the whimsical charms of its journey. “Ginny Weds Sunny” is a Bollywood breakout that will have you on the edge of your seat, wondering if th
So, you are looking through Netflix and ready to stumble on another gem. “To The Lake” (“Epidemiya”) is the TV show you are looking for to binge in brisk succession. The series follows two complicated families as they band together to make it “to the lake,” an oasis from a horrific pandemic sweeping
Image by Liane Hentscher / 2015 Crown Media United States, LLC Before she was royalty, Meghan Markle starred in Hallmark movies, and one of them was “Dater’s Handbook.” In it, Markle plays the eponymous “dater,” aka Cassandra/Cass. She is a professional in a relationship rut who finally realizes it
Image by Nathan Congleton / NBC A lot of the new YouTube doc “This Is Paris” focuses on Paris Hilton’s highly teased past, which weaves through the movie’s narrative like its life’s blood. It is inextricably linked. So, what happened to Paris Hilton? In the doc, Hilton tells the audience about a reo