Movie Review: 'Demolition' (2015)

A lot of how you receive “Demolition” depends on the kind of mood you are in. If you happen to be in a quirky frame of mind, director Jean-Marc Vallee’s follow-up to “Wild” will leave you feeling…a lot of things. There is something to be said for a movie that can take us to various emotional rea

Eclectic Pop News: Music Announcement

As many of you know there has been a recent change with the content on the site. For one, there has been less of it. As my freelancing work expands, Eclectic Pop has taken a bit of a back seat, though it remains a top priority. Working through this learning curve has been an adjustment. Rest

Hidden Remote Links: Week of August 7: The Top 5 TV Takeaways from 'PLL', 'Tyrant', 'Scream', 'BATB' - Plus, 'Game of Thrones'

In a compelling week of television, one show exceeded their season's midpoint (“Tyrant”) as all of the others hurdled towards the finish line (“Beauty and the Beast”, “Scream” and “Pretty Little Liars”). It all made for another busy week covering the Top 5 Takeaways from each of them for  Hid

Entertainment Inquiry #5: Answers to Life Post-'Game of Thrones' And 'Reign' - Plus, What's Good on Netflix And More!

Since there is only so much time in the day to read 750+word reviews, it seemed right to boil down all of the sentiments expressed on Eclectic Pop into a simple question and answer format; getting to the point in a concise and clear manner that transforms those broader analyses into a bite-size r

Hidden Remote Links: 'Game of Thrones', 'The Blacklist', And 'Bloodline'

As some of you may know, I am now a Staff Writer at (on Twitter @HiddenRemote ) – a TV-focused website. In case you have missed any of the content that has been linked to on @EclecticPop ’s Twitter or Google+ accounts, here is a chance to catch up. Below you will find the links